Wild Rift: MEL Build Guide

Mel Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift MEL, role - Mage / Support. Use the guidelines to take your MEL Wild Rift champion play style to the next level. Study in detail the build of items, runes, spells, skills that need to be developed in the first place. In order to find out what position MEL is in the rating table, go to the - Tier List page.

Searing Brilliance

(PASSIVE) Searing Brilliance

Whenever Mel uses an ability, she gains three bonus projectiles (up to nine maximum) on her next attack. When Mel deals damage through an ability or attack, she applies Overwhelm, which can stack infinitely. If the enemy is hit by Mel with enough Overwhelm damage, the stacks are consumed to execute the target.

Radiant Volley

(Q) Radiant Volley

Mel fires a barrage of projectiles that explode around a target location, dealing damage repeatedly to enemies within the area.


(W) Rebuttal

Mel forms a barrier around herself that reflects enemy projectiles back at the attacker, prevents her from taking damage, and grants her movement speed.

Solar Snare

(E) Solar Snare

Mel fires a radiant orb forward, rooting those at its center while the area around it slows enemies and deals damage over time.

Golden Eclipse

(R) Golden Eclipse

Mel strikes all enemies marked with Overwhelm regardless of their distance from her, dealing additional damage for each stack of Overwhelm. Ranks of Golden Eclipse increase Overwhelm's damage.

Build Counters Counter Items Tips Con Game Plan Power Spikes

MEL Build items and runes

The information below will help you get familiar with the game on the Line MEL. We have prepared a items builds, runes, summoner spells and ability order for a comfortable game. Situational options for replacing items and runes are also available to you.

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MEL Counters

We have prepared lists of champions that can really annoy you during a match with the game on the MEL. We have also prepared a list of champions with whom you will be comfortable being on the same team. These lists are relative and depend greatly on your level of play, the skills of your allies and opponents. Do not forget that each situation is individual!

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MEL Counter Items

We have prepared a list of items and spells that will help counter MEL in a given situation. Buy items wisely, only if it is really necessary for a specific situation!

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MEL Tips

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MEL Strengths and Weaknesses

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MEL Strategy and Tactics

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MEL Power Spikes

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Wild Rift MEL Ability and Tips

Searing BrillianceSearing Brilliance
Radiant VolleyRadiant Volley
Solar SnareSolar Snare
Golden EclipseGolden Eclipse

(PASSIVE) Searing Brilliance

Searing Brilliance

Whenever Mel uses an ability, she gains three bonus projectiles (up to nine maximum) on her next attack. When Mel deals damage through an ability or attack, she applies Overwhelm, which can stack infinitely. If the enemy is hit by Mel with enough Overwhelm damage, the stacks are consumed to execute the target.

Ability Tips

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(Q) Radiant Volley

Radiant Volley

Mel fires a barrage of projectiles that explode around a target location, dealing damage repeatedly to enemies within the area.

Ability Tips

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(W) Rebuttal


Mel forms a barrier around herself that reflects enemy projectiles back at the attacker, prevents her from taking damage, and grants her movement speed.

Ability Tips

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(E) Solar Snare

Solar Snare

Mel fires a radiant orb forward, rooting those at its center while the area around it slows enemies and deals damage over time.

Ability Tips

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(R) Golden Eclipse

Golden Eclipse

Mel strikes all enemies marked with Overwhelm regardless of their distance from her, dealing additional damage for each stack of Overwhelm. Ranks of Golden Eclipse increase Overwhelm's damage.

Ability Tips

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Wild Rift MEL Skills Combo

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Wild Rift MEL Video

Watch here!

Mel Medarda is the presumed heir of the Medarda family, once one of the most powerful in Noxus. In appearance she is a graceful aristocrat, but beneath the surface lies a skilled politician who makes it her business to know everything about everyone she meets. After an encounter with the mysterious Black Rose, Mel discovered the depths of her mother's deception and, for once, faced a situation potentially beyond her control. With newly awakened magical abilities, she sailed home in search of answers—and though many still seek to temper the light within her, Mel's soul remains forever defiant.

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    force-of-nature frozen-heart winters-approach fimbulwinter guardian-angel iceborn-gauntlet protectors-vow randuins-omen
    abyssal-mask spirit-visage steraks-gage sunfire-cape thornmail warmogs-armor zekes-convergence dead-mans-plate
    ixtali-seedjar dawnshroud amaranths-twinguard mantle-of-the-twelfth-hour searing-crown heartsteel
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