Grants bonus AD and Attack Speed +50 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
Bloody: +10% Physical Vamp.
Bloodsworn: Gain 11-25 AD and 10% Attack Speed when your Health is above 50%.

Guardian Angel
Revives at death +40 Attack Damage
+40 Armor
Resurrect: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% and Health и 30% Mana after 4 seconds of stasis. (210s Cooldown) 3400
Guardian Angel TIPS: Second chance in teamfights. Effective against high burst damage champions (Zed, Syndra, Zoe, etc.) and strong diving potential (Camille, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, etc.).

Magnetic Blaster
Attacks increase in range and deal bonus damage +25% Critical Rate
+35% Attack Speed
Fervor: +5% Move Speed.
Energized: Moving and attacking will generate an Energized Attack.
Power Blitz: Energized Attacks generate 25% faster, gain 125 range (50 range for melee attacks), and deal 50-120 bonus magic damage. Damage bounces to 5 nearby enemies and can Critically Strike. 2900
Magnetic Blaster TIPS: This is fantastic on certain champions whenever you want to abuse this passive to deal more damage from afar in fights (Jhin, Jinx).

Blade of the Ruined King
Attacks deal bonus damage +25 Attack Damage
+35% Attack Speed
Thirst:+10% Physical Vamp.
Ruined Strikes: Attacks deal bonus physical damage equal to 6% of the enemy's current Health
on-hit. (Melee attacks deal 9%). Minion damage: 15. Max damage vs monsters: 60.
Drain: Hitting a champion with 3 attacks or abilities deals 30-100 bonus magic damage and steals 25% of their Move Speed for 2 seconds. (60s Cooldown)
Blade of the Ruined King TIPS: Is a great source of sustain with it’s lifesteal but mostly picked for it’s ability to cut through tanks or champions who heavily stack health like Dr. Mundo.

Runaan's Hurricane
Ranged Attacks hit 3 targets +45% Attack Speed
Wind's Fury: Attacks strike 2 additional nearby enemies, each dealing 55%. These strikes can Critically Strike and trigger on-hit effects.
Wind’s Favor: Gain 20 AD or 40 AP
Wind Blade: Attacks deal 15 bonus physical damage on-hit against targets.
This item cannot only be used by melee champions. 2900
Runaan's Hurricane TIPS: Good for champions who need to constantly auto-attack to deal damage.

Youmuu's Ghostblade
Increases Movement Speed +55 Attack Damage
+15 Ability Haste
Slice: +15 Armor Penetration.
Momentum: Moving builds Momentum, granting up to 50 Move Speed and 3-6 at 100 stacks. (
) Attacks removes all Momentum, but
Armor Penetration will last for 3 seconds after. Stacks decay when movement is impaired.
Haste: Attacking with max Momentum grants 25% Attack Speed for 4 seconds. 3200
Youmuu's Ghostblade TIPS: Youmuu's is good on assassins and on champions who need to get in and out of fights quickly.

Duskblade of Draktharr
Attacks deal bonus damage +55 Attack Damage
+10 Ability Haste
Razor: +18 Armor Penetration.
Nightstalker: The first attack against a champion deals 60-160 bonus physical damage and slows them by 99% for 0.35s (10s cooldown). Champion takedowns refresh cooldown duration. 3000
Duskblade of Draktharr TIPS: This item is best purchased on AD assassins who can attack quickly and decisively after being spotted. The large lethality boost this item provides means it is best against squishy targets. If the enemy is built more around tanks or brawlers, you may want to get a different core item.

Infinity Edge
Increases Critical Strike Damage +60 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
Infinity: Critical Strikes deal 205% damage instead of 175%. 3200
Infinity Edge TIPS: Good on champions that crit alot. Pick this up for high damage crits.

Mortal Reminder
Armor Penetration (%) and reduced enemy healing +30 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
Last Whisper: +33% Armor Penetration.
Sepsis: Dealing physical damage to enemy champions applies 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 3300
Mortal Reminder TIPS: Must have item versus champions with a lot of healing such as Soraka, Yuumi, Dr. Mundo or Vladimir.

Black Cleaver
Physical Damage reduces Armor +400 Max Health
+40 Attack Damage
+20 Ability Haste
Sunder: Dealing physical damage to a champion reduces their Armor by 6% for 6 seconds, stacking 4 times for 24% reduction.
Rage: Gain 20 Movement Speed when you deal physical damage, and gain 40 Move Speed when moving toward enemy champions with 4 Sunder stacks. Ranged champions gain halved values. 3000
Black Cleaver TIPS: It's effective against tanky opponents and can help shred their armor. Good for champions who rely on physical damage and have the ability to quickly apply multiple stacks of the item's passive.

Converts Mana to Attack Damage +25 Attack Damage
+300 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
Awe: Grants Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of max Mana and refunds 15%
of all Mana spent.
Mana Charge: Increases max Mana by 15 every attack or when Mana is spent. Caps at 700, bonus Mana, transforming Manamune into Muramana. Triggers up to 3 times every 12 seconds. You may only carry one Tear of the Goddess item at a time. 2700
Manamune TIPS: A scaling item providing a huge power spike upon completion that is designed for AD champions who rely on mana and abilities to function optimally.

Converts Mana to Attack Damage +25 Attack Damage
+1000 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
Awe: Grants Attack Damage equal to 2% of max Mana and refunds 15%
of all Mana spent.
Shock: When you hit an enemy champion with auto attack, it drains 2.5% of current Mana and deals bonus physical damage equal to the amount consumed. When dealing ability damage to enemy champion drains 4% of current mana and deals an additional physical damage equal to the amount consumed + 6%. This effect only triggers when remaining mana is above 20%. A single attack or ability will only trigger this effect once on the same champion.
Muramana TIPS: A scaling item providing a huge power spike upon completion that is designed for AD champions who rely on mana and abilities to function optimally.

Trinity Force
Well-Rounded +250 Max Health
+30 Attack Damage
+30% Attack Speed
+25 Ability Haste
Fervor: +5% Move Speed.
Spellblade: Using an ability causes the next attack used within 10 seconds to deal bonus physical damage equal to 200% base AD(1.5s Cooldown). Damage is reduced vs structures.
Valor: Attacks grant 20 Move Speed and kills grant 60 Move Speed for 2 seconds. Bonuses do not stack. Ranged champions gain halved values. 3333
Trinity Force TIPS: Offers a variety of stats. Good if your champion uses their abilities often but also auto-attacks alot.

Maw of Malmortius
Converts damage from attacks into a magic shield +55 Attack Damage
+45 Magic Resistance
+10 Ability Haste
Demonbane: 20% of the damage that your attack deals, or 15% of the physical damage that your abilities deal is converted into a magic shield that absorbs up to 60-400 magic damage. The shield decays by 5% per second.
Maw of Malmortius TIPS: Good choice against burst mages like Vex, Syndra, and Annie who can quickly take you down. It's also effective against sustained damage mages like Vladimir and Swain who rely on consistent damage over time.

Death's Dance
Delays damage taken +35 Attack Damage
+40 Armor
+15 Ability Haste
Dance: Champion takedowns cleanse Cauterize's remaining damage pool and restores 10% of your maximum health over 2 seconds.
Cauterize: 32% of physical damage received (12% if the equipped champion is ranged) is dealt to you over 3 seconds as true damage instead. 3000
Death's Dance TIPS: Effective against champions with high burst damage or who rely on abilities to deal damage, such as assassins like Zed, Kha'Zix, Talon. The item's passive damage reduction and healing can help mitigate their burst and sustain through extended fights.

Phantom Dancer
Movement speed and attack speed +25 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
+30% Attack Speed
Shadowwalk: +5% Movement Speed.
Spectral Waltz: Gain +7% bonus Movement Speed when you attack for 3 seconds. After attacking 4 times, gain 25% Attack Speed for the same duration.
Phantom Dancer TIPS: Attack speed crit item with movement speed, ghosting and an inbuilt attack speed steroid. Perfect for kiting, chasing or bursting down enemies, most commonly built on Ashe, Tryndamere, Tristana.

Nashor's Tooth
Attacks deal bonus damage +45% Attack Speed
+20 Ability Haste
Magic Fang: Obtain 30 Attack Damage or 60 Ability Power (Adaptive).
Gnaw: When basic attack hits enemy champions, it will cause 15 + 25% bonus + 25%
bonus Magic Damage.
Nashor's Tooth TIPS: Effective on champions that rely on basic attacks for damage and have AP scaling, such as Diana or Kayle. It's also effective on AP split-pushers like Teemo.

Wit's End
Basic Attack deals Bonus Damage +45% Attack Speed
+45 Magic Resistance
At Wit's End: Basic attacks deal 15-65 bonus magic damage. While below 50% Health, dealing damage to an enemy champion heals you for (Melee 100%/Range 33%) of this effect's post-mitigation damage.
Wit's End TIPS: A good item to build if you want to deal sustained damage and have some defensive stats against magic damage threats. Most commonly bought on champions that can benefit from it’s on-hit damage like Vayne, Irelia or Master Yi.

Essence Reaver
Attacks restore Mana, Crit Rate increases Ability Damage +40 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
+20 Ability Haste
Essence Flare: After attacking a champion, enhanced your next damaging ability or empowered attack up to 30% based on, with a 4 seconds cooldown. Reduces 1 seconds cooldown on champion hits with Basic Attacks.
Mana Siphon: Attacks restore 3% missing Mana on-hit.
Essence Reaver TIPS: A strong item for champions who rely on basic attacks and abilities and can benefit from it’s high burst damage and mana replenishment.

Gain Movement Speed, deal damage, and slow enemies +40 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
+20% Attack Speed
Energized: Moving and attacking generates Energized Attack.
Stormarrow: An Energized Attack gain 65-135 bonus magic damage, slows the target by 50% for 0.75s, and grants you 45 Movement Speed for 0.75s. 3000

Serylda's Grudge
Armor Penetration (%) and apply slows +40 Attack Damage
+15 Ability Haste
Last Whisper: +33% Armor Penetration
Icy: Damaging active abilities and empowered attacks slow enemies by 30% for 1 second. 3100
Serylda's Grudge TIPS: There is a need to slow down enemy champions and improve their kiting potential. A good item to build if you want to control the pace of the fight and peel for your team.

Solari Chargeblade
Abilities enchance your attacks +25% Critical Rate
+40% Attack Speed
+20 Ability Haste
Sunbust: Using an ability gathers Radiance (max 3 charges) for up to 10 seconds. Attacks that hit expend a charge to deal 50–92 bonus magic damage on-hit; this bonus damage can critically strike.
Each unique ability can only generate a charge every 2 seconds. 3000

Navori Quickblades
Critical attacks reduce non-ultimate cooldowns +45 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
+15 Ability Haste
Deft Strikes: Critical Attacks reduce your non-ultimate ability cooldowns by 20% of their remaining cooldown. 3000

Edge of Night
Blocks an enemy ability +250 Max Health
+50 Attack Damage
Gouge: +8 Armor Penetration.
Annul: Grants a spell shield that blocks the next hostile ability. This spell shield refreshes upon leaving combat with enemy champions. (35 second cooldown) 3150
Edge of Night TIPS: Defensive and offensive item, great for champions that need to engage and protect themselves from crowd control. It's most effective against champions with crucial abilities that can be blocked by its active shield, such as Ashe, Lux, Morgana.

Divine Sunderer
Anti-Health attacks +425 Max Health
+25 Attack Damage
+25 Ability Haste
Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals (10% melee / 7% ranged) of target’s maximum health as bonus physical damage on-hit, with a minimum damage equal to 125% base AD and a maximum damage against monsters equal to 225% base AD.
If the target is a champion, heal for (6% melee / 2.5% ranged) of the target's maximum health and a minimum heal equal to (90% melee / 50% ranged) base AD (1.5 second cooldown, begins after using the empowered attack).
Limitations: Limited to 1 sheen item. 3400

Serpent's Fang
Anti-Shielding +50 Attack Damage
+10 Ability Haste
Stab: +15 Armor Penetration.
Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain for 3s. Melee champions apply (10% of bonus AD + 40)% shield reduction, capped at 60%; while ranged champions apply (10% of bonus AD
+ 25)% shield reduction, capped at 45%. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, all shields on them are reduced by the same values.
Serpent's Fang TIPS: If you're an assassin and the enemy has a lot of shields, pick this item up to make destroying their shields easier.

Chempunk Chainsword
Reduces enemy healing +250 Max Health
+45 Attack Damage
+15 Ability Haste
Punishment: Dealing physical damage to enemy champions applies 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 2800
Chempunk Chainsword TIPS: Strong item to build when facing enemy champions with high sustain like Mundo, Soraka and Yuumi who have significant healing abilities. It can also be useful against champions who rely on lifesteal like Aatrox, Darius, and Fiora.

Immortal Shieldbow
Gain a Shield and Physical Vamp when health is low +40 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
+15% Attack Speed
+5% Physical Vamp
Lifeline: Damage that puts you under 35% Health preemptively grants a shield that absorbs 250-550 damage (
) for 5 seconds. (90s Cooldown).
Buttle Furor: Triggering Lifeline grants +8% Physical Vamp for 8 seconds.
Immortal Shieldbow TIPS: Recommended when you need a lot of sustain in fights; play a champion that benefits from high AD, (i.e. Draven, Jhin) or facing champions that deal a lot of physical damage (i.e. Zed, Master Yi, Tryndamere).

The Collector
Execute low health champions +40 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
Killer: +10 Armor Penetration.
Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below 5% of their maximum Health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional 25 gold.
Limited to 1 The Collector. 2900
The Collector TIPS: Is good on champions with lots of burst or AOE damage.

Sterak's Gage
Taking damage triggers a shield +400 Max Health
Heavy Handed: +50% base Attack Damage as bonus Attack Damage.
Lifeline: Damage that puts you under 35% Health grants a shield that equal to 75% of your bonus health
that decays over 3 seconds (90s Cooldown).
Sterak's Fury: Triggering Lifeline increases size, empowers you, removes all crowd control effects on you (except Airborne), and grants 30% Tenacity for 4 seconds. 3200
Sterak's Gage TIPS: Increase survivability in team fights to be tankier frontliner. It's effective against champions with burst damage like Zed, Talon and against champions with heavy CC like Lissandra and Nautilus, as the shield can help you survive their initial burst and crowd control.

Spear of Shojin
Casting Ultimates increases Ability Haste of basic abilities +300 Max Health
+45 Attack Damage
+20 Ability Haste
Rising Dragon: +5% Move Speed.
Dragon Awakening: Increases Ability Haste of basic abilities by 25% for 10 second(s) after casting an Ultimate, and grants 25% bonus Movement Speed that decays over 3 second(s). Scoring a takedown within 10 second(s) refreshes the ability's duration. (20s Cooldown) 3200
Spear of Shojin TIPS: Typically used by splitpushing bruisers, who thrive in duels and extended fights with the reduced basic ability cooldowns this item grants.

Titanic Hydra
Attacks deal bonus damage in a area +450 Max Health
Colossus: Gain AD equal to 15 + 2.5% bonus
Cleave: Every 1.75 second(s), your next attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 25 + 3% bonus (also applies to turrets), creating a shockwave that deals physical damage equal to 80 + 10% bonus
to enemies behind the target. Ranged champions deal 75% of the damage.
Titanic Hydra TIPS: Good for skirmish heavy champions.

Increases Armor Pen, Megic Pen, Armor, and Magic Resist +35 Attack Damage
+30% Attack Speed
Shadow: Attacks deal 35 bonus magic damage on-hit.
Juxtaposition: Alternate between Light and Dark on-hits when attacking. Light attacks grant 5-8 Armor and Magic Resist for 5 seconds on hit. Dark attacks grant
11% Armor Penetration and
11% Magic Penetration for 5 seconds on hit. Each on-hit effect stacks up to 3 times. The upper limit of armor and magic penetration rates is 40% when equipped with Terminus.
Terminus TIPS: On-hit item that provides mixed penetration & stacking bonus resistances. It works well on champions that auto-attack a lot.

Sundered Sky
Periodically empowers attacks +300 Max Health
+40 Attack Damage
+15 Ability Haste
Lightshield Strike: The first attack against an enemy champion deals Critically Strikes (6s cooldown per target), dealing 160% damage and restores Health (equal to 125% base Attack Damage + 5% of missing Health
to you.
Sundered Sky TIPS: Damaging a champion will critically strike the enemy and give you a small heal. Good item for AD bruisers providing bonus damage and sustain.

Gain a shield and deal bonus damage +55 Attack Damage
+20 Ability Haste
Ever Rising Moon: Hitting an enemy champion with 2 separate attacks or abilities within 1.8s deals bonus physical damage equal to 6% of the target's max Health(3% for ranged champions), and grants you a shield that absorbs damage equal to 140 + 35% bonus Attack Damage
(70 + 18% bonus Attack Damage
for ranged champions) for 2s. (6s Cooldawn)
Eclipse TIPS: Is good for assassins who want to burst the enemy down quickly.
Magic Damage Items

Luden's Echo
Abilities deal bonus damage +85 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+300 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
Discordic Echo: Moving and casting abilities builds Discord. At 100 Discord your next damaging active ability or empowered attack deals 110 (+ 10% AP) bonus magic damage to your target and up to 3 nearby enemies.

Magic damage reduces enemy healing +150 Max Health
+70 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+20 Ability Haste
Affliction: Dealing magic damage to enemy champions inflicts 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 2500
Morellonomicon TIPS: Mage’s grievous wounds option for tackling enemy comps with heavy healing & sustain. Perfect against champions like Soraka, Dr. Mundo & Vladimir.

Crown of the Shattered Queen
Blocks an enemy ability +60 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+200 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
Safeguard: Grant a spell shield that blocks the next hostile ability, reduce incoming damage by 40% for 1s (40s Cooldown).
Poise: AP increases by 20 while Safeguarded. Dealing magic damage to enemy champions using an active ability reduces Safeguard's cooldown by 4s.
Crown of the Shattered Queen TIPS: Defensive and offensive item, great for champions that need to engage and protect themselves from crowd control. It's most effective against champions with crucial abilities that can be blocked by its active shield, such as Ashe, Lux, Morgana.

Rabadon's Deathcap
Boosts Ability Power +100 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
Overkill: Increases Ability Power by 20-45%.
Rabadon's Deathcap TIPS: A huge power spike for champions with high AP ratios to increase AP by 20-45% and significantly increase their damage. Most effective against enemy teams that lack magic resistance or have squishy targets.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Abilities apply slows +350 Max Health
+70 Ability Power
Icy: Damaging active abilities and empowered attacks slow enemies by 30% for 1 second. 2700
Rylai's Crystal Scepter TIPS: This item will allow you to slow the enemy whenever your abilities deal damage to them. Pick up on champions with lots of AOE.

Liandry's Torment
Abilities deal bonus damage +250 Max Health
+75 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
Torment: Damaging abilities or empowered attacks deal 20 + 0.5%+ 0.4% of enemy's max Health as bonus magic damage over 3 seconds.
Liandry's Torment TIPS: Liandry's is good against tanks. Pick it up when the enemy consists of multiple tank champions.

Rod of Ages
Stats grow over time +250 Max Health
+60 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+300 Max Mana
Eternity: Restore Mana equal to 15% of the damage taken from champions. Restore Health equal to 20% Mana spent. Capped at 25 Health per cast.
Veteran: Each stack provides 25 Health, 10 Mana and 6 Ability Power, stacking at a rate of 1 every 35 seconds. Max of 10 stacks, providing 250 Health, 100 Mana, and 60 Ability Power. 2800
Rod of Ages TIPS: AP item that gives lots of defensive stats.

Lich Bane
Attacks deal bonus damage aster ability casts +80 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+10 Ability Haste
Bane: +5% Move Speed.
Spellblade: Using an ability causes the next attack used within 10 seconds to deal bonus magic damage equal to 75% base AD + 50% AP
. (1.5s Cooldown) Damage is reduced vs structures.
Lich Bane TIPS: Adds extra burst to your damage output and mainly effective against squishy champions that have low magic resistance. Helps quickly takedown AD Carries, mages and assassins.

Nashor's Tooth
Attacks deal bonus damage +45% Attack Speed
+20 Ability Haste
Magic Fang: Obtain 30 Attack Damage or 60 Ability Power (Adaptive).
Gnaw: When basic attack hits enemy champions, it will cause 15 + 25% bonus + 25%
bonus Magic Damage.
Nashor's Tooth TIPS: Effective on champions that rely on basic attacks for damage and have AP scaling, such as Diana or Kayle. It's also effective on AP split-pushers like Teemo.

Archangel's Staff
Converts Mana to Ability Power +35 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+500 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
Awe: Grants Ability Power equal to 1% max Mana and refunds 25%
of all Mana spent.
Mana Charge: Increases max Mana by 15 every time Mana is spent. Caps at 700 bonus Mana, transforming Archangel's Staff into Seraph's Embrace. Triggers up to 3 times every 12 seconds. You may only carry one Tear of the Goddess item at a time. 2950
Archangel's Staff TIPS: Recommended: 1) need a large mana pool for sustained ability usage; 2) want to scale well into the late game with a large amount of AP and mana.

Seraph's Embrace
Converts Mana to Ability Power +35 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+1200 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
Awe: Grants Ability Power equal to 3% max Mana and refunds 25%
of all Mana spent.
Lifeline: Damage that puts you under 35% Health consumes 15% of your current Mana to grant a shield, equal to that amount +100 for 2 seconds. (90s cooldown).
Seraph's Embrace TIPS: Recommended: 1) need a large mana pool for sustained ability usage; 2) want to scale well into the late game with a large amount of AP and mana; 3) shield help to survive initial burst damage and prolong presence in team fights.

Ardent Censer
Increases allies Attack Speed +250 Max Health
+35 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+10% Heal and Shield Strength
Ardent: +5% Move Speed.
Censer: When you heal or shield, an allied champion other than yourself, they gain 10-40% Attack Speed and their attacks deal 20-40 bonus magic damage. for 6 seconds. 2800
Ardent Censer TIPS: Amplifies the power of healing and shielding abilities. When you have a hyper-carry ADC or an auto-attack based champion on your team; multiple champions with healing or shielding abilities on your team.

Harmonic Echo
Abilities grant healing effects +100 Max Health
+55 Ability Power
+300 Max Mana
+10 Ability Haste
+10% Heal and Shield Strength
Harmonic Echo: Moving and casting abilities builds Harmony. At 100 Harmony your next healing or shielding ability on an ally other than yourself restores Health equal to 150 (+ 15% AP ) to your target and up to the target. Every 10 Ability Haste you have increases healing by 3%. If the target's Health is below 40%, healing potency is increased to 150% of the original.
Harmonic Echo TIPS: Greatly increases healing for allies. Stay on the move!

Takedown increase Movement speed an reduce cooldowns +150 Max Health
+65 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+20 Ability Haste
Soul Hunt: +15% Magic Penetration.
Wandering Soul: Every time you take down an enemy champion within 3 seconds of damaging them, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 25%. You steal 10% of their base Movement Speed for 10 seconds and 50% of their Ability Haste until they respawn. Ability Haste stolen this way stacks. 3000
Soulstealer TIPS: Kills and assists steal movement speed and ability haste from defeated enemies until they respawn. Useful if you're a frequent kill-getter.

Infinity Orb
Abilities deal bonus damage +85 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
Destiny: +5% Move Speed.
Balanced: +15 Magic Penetration.
Inevitable Demise: Abilities and empowered attacks Critically Strike for 20% bonus damage against enemies below 35% Health. 3200
Infinity Orb TIPS: This item increases damage to enemies with low health. Indispensable for mages and assassins with magical damage type.

Crystalline Reflector
Reduce physical damage and deals magic damage back +200 Max Health
+45 Armor
+60 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
Mirroed Force: Each ability cast grants a mirror shard that lasts 3 second(s). The shard blocks 8-25 incoming physical damage from enemy champions and deals magic damage equal to 10 + 3% AP
+ 1% bonus Health
to them. Shard durations do not stack.
Crystalline Reflector TIPS: A great item for a mage assassin, it will increase survivability against champions with a physical damage type. It also reflects physical damage back to the attacker as magical damage.

Staff of Flowing Water
Enhance allies Ability Power and Ability Haste +100 Max Health
+45 Ability Power
+350 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
+10% Heal and Shield Strength
Rapids: Healing or shielding an ally grants you both +20 Ability Haste and 20-40
(based on target's level) Ability Power for 6 seconds.
Staff of Flowing Water TIPS: Good for champions who have healing or shielding abilities.

Oceanid's Trident
Anti-Shielding +200 Max Health
+80 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+10 Ability Haste
Lethal Weapon: Dealing ability damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain for 3 seconds. Area of effect abilities apply (5% of bonus AP + 25)% shield reduction, capped at 45%; while single target abilities apply (5% of bonus AP
+ 40)% shield reduction, capped at 60%. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Lethal Weapon, all shields on them are reduced by the same values.
Oceanid's Trident TIPS: If you're an mage-assassin and the enemy has a lot of shields, pick this item up to make destroying their shields easier.

Imperial Mandate
Crowd control grants additional ally damage +200 Max Health
+40 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal 47-75 bonus magic damage and marks them for 4 seconds (6 seconds cooldown per enemy champion). Allied champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional 94-150 magic damage (based on ally level) and granting you both 20% Move Speed, for 2 seconds. 2500
Imperial Mandate TIPS: If you have an ability that slows or immobilizes a champion, you can give your allies some healing if they auto the enemy. Only pick up on champs with CC.

Cosmic Drive
Dealing ability damage grants movement speed +75 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+30 Ability Haste
Hyperdrive: +5% Move Speed.
Spellweaving: Active abilities and empowered attacks grant 30 +70% Ability Haste as Movement Speed after dealing damage to an enemy champion. This Movement Speed decays over 2 seconds.
Each source has an individual 1s cooldown for triggering Spellweaving.
Only Haste from items contributes to Spellweaving's movement speed. 2800
Cosmic Drive TIPS: For champions who rely on AP and movement speed, as help to dodge enemy abilities and position better in fights. It's most effective against champions who have low mobility or are susceptible to crowd control.

Ramping Damage +150 Max Health
+80 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+15 Ability Haste
Assimilation: +11% Omnivamp.
Void Corruption: When in combat with champions, gain 1 stack(s) of Corruption every 1 second(s). Each stack increases the damage you deal by 2.5%, up to 3 stacks. At maximum stacks, the additional damage provided by Corruption becomes true damage. 3300
Riftmaker TIPS: This item increases damage over time while fighting.

Horizon Focus
Deals bonus damage to marked targets +90 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+20 Ability Haste
Hypershot: Damaging an enemy champion with an ability from 600 units away reveals them for 6 seconds and increases damage dealt to them by 12%.
Focus: When Hypershot is triggered, it reveals all enemy champions within 1,200 units of the target for 2s. (15s Cooldown) 3100
Horizon Focus TIPS: Allows you to deal more damage from longer ranges or against immobilized enemies. Effective against champions who rely on their mobility (i.e Akali, Yasuo, Zed, etc.); poke you down (i.e. Lux, Ziggs, etc.).

Runaan's Hurricane
Ranged Attacks hit 3 targets +45% Attack Speed
Wind's Fury: Attacks strike 2 additional nearby enemies, each dealing 55%. These strikes can Critically Strike and trigger on-hit effects.
Wind’s Favor: Gain 20 AD or 40 AP
Wind Blade: Attacks deal 15 bonus physical damage on-hit against targets.
This item cannot only be used by melee champions. 2900
Runaan's Hurricane TIPS: Good for champions who need to constantly auto-attack to deal damage.

Psychic Projector
Converts bonus Health into Ability Power +300 Max Health
+60 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+15 Ability Haste
Conversion: Gain Ability Power equal to 4% of bonus Health. Up to 60 Ability Power can be gained this way.
Projection: When taking champion damage, gain a non-tacking shield that absorbs damage equal to 30 + 10% AP+ 5% bonus HP
for 3 seconds (for ranged champions, the shield absorbs damage equal 60% of this value).
Triggered every 3 seconds. 3100
Psychic Projector TIPS: This item will increase the damage of abilities based on your health. It also has useful defensive characteristics and increases survivability. It is perfect for melee champions.
Defense Items

Guardian Angel
Revives at death +40 Attack Damage
+40 Armor
Resurrect: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% and Health и 30% Mana after 4 seconds of stasis. (210s Cooldown) 3400
Guardian Angel TIPS: Second chance in teamfights. Effective against high burst damage champions (Zed, Syndra, Zoe, etc.) and strong diving potential (Camille, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, etc.).

Sunfire Aegis
Burns nearby emenies +500 Max Health
+15 Ability Haste
Immolate: Deals 16-25 magic damage + 0.8% bonus HP per second to nearby enemies. Damaging champions or epic monsters with Immolate increases its damage by 11% for 5s, stacking up to 4 times.
Flametouch: At max Immolate stacks, attacks burn enemies around you for 50% of Immolate's damage over 3 seconds. Immolate deals 130% damage to monsters and 175-250% () damage to minions.
Sunfire Aegis TIPS: Pick this up if you’re in need of tanky stats.

Spirit Visage
Increases healing and shielding received +350 Max Health
+100% Health Regen
+50 Magic Resistance
+20 Ability Haste
Blessed: Increases all healing, regen, drain effects and shields on yourself by 30%. 2800
Spirit Visage TIPS: It is a strong item to amplify in-build sustain (to increase healing and health regeneration). It's good against magic damage champions who deal sustained damage like Vladimir and Swain; against burst mages like Syndra and Veigar to survive their initial burst and heal up quickly.

Randuin's Omen
Attack to heal from enemy Critical Strikes +400 Max Health
+75 Armor
Countercurrent: When you are Critically Struck or take physical damage, gain 1 stack of Countercurrent. Each stack of Countercurrent grants 5% Critical Strike damage reduction. Stacks up to 4 times. Upon reaching full stacks, grants 20% bonus Movement Speed and slow resist equal to 20% plus 0.5% of bonus Health.
Randuin's Omen TIPS: Pick the item if enemy team has a lot of physical damage, you need increased armor and you want to get an additional bonus to movement speed and resistance to slowdowns.. Effective against champions who deal consistent crit based damage like Jinx, Yasuo or Tryndamere.

Reflects damage and reduces enemy healing +200 Max Health
+75 Armor
Thorns: When struck by an enemy champion's attack, deal 20 + 6% bonus Armor + 2% bonus Health
magic damage to the attacker and inflict 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 second(s).
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 2700
Thornmail TIPS: Consider in the following situations: 1) when facing multiple auto-attack reliant champions on the enemy team, such as Tryndamere, Yasuo, and Jinx; 2) reduce the effectiveness of healing when playing against Soraka, Vladimir or Samira; 3) soak up damage.

Warmog's Armor
Out of combat Heath Regen +700 Max Health
+200% Health Regen
+10 Ability Haste
Warmog's Heart: If you have at least 950 bonus Health, restore 4.5% Health per second if you haven't taken damage within the last 6seconds. 2850
Warmog's Armor TIPS: It’s a good item when you need sustain and survivability in the late game. It’s effective against teams and champions who do not have burst damage and deal damage over time, like Singed or Swain.

Sterak's Gage
Taking damage triggers a shield +400 Max Health
Heavy Handed: +50% base Attack Damage as bonus Attack Damage.
Lifeline: Damage that puts you under 35% Health grants a shield that equal to 75% of your bonus health
that decays over 3 seconds (90s Cooldown).
Sterak's Fury: Triggering Lifeline increases size, empowers you, removes all crowd control effects on you (except Airborne), and grants 30% Tenacity for 4 seconds. 3200
Sterak's Gage TIPS: Increase survivability in team fights to be tankier frontliner. It's effective against champions with burst damage like Zed, Talon and against champions with heavy CC like Lissandra and Nautilus, as the shield can help you survive their initial burst and crowd control.

Iceborn Gauntlet
Attacks create a slowing field +250 Max Health
+50 Armor
+250 Max Mana
+30 Ability Haste
Spellblade: Using an ability causes your next attack within 10 seconds to deal bonus physical damage equal to (100% base AD + 25% Bonus Armor
) in an area. It also creates an icy field for 2 seconds that slows enemies inside by 30%. Armor increases the size of the icy field. (1.5s Cooldown)
Damage is reduced vs structures. 3100
Iceborn Gauntlet TIPS: Makes you tankier while slowing and dealing damage to enemies.

Dead Man's Plate
Increases Movement Speed +250 Max Health
+50 Armor
Relentless: +5% Move Speed.
Momentum: Moving builds Momentum, granting up to 40 Move Speed at 100 stacks. Attacking removes all Momentum. Stacks decay when movement is impaired.
Crushing Blow: Attacks deal up to 100 bonus magic damage based on Momentum removed. Melee attacks with max Momentum slows by 50% for 1 second. 2800
Dead Man's Plate TIPS: Great for tanks and bruisers who need extra movement speed and durability. Also provides excellent burst especially in combination with spellblade items (e.g. Divine Sunderer).

Zeke's Convergence
Boosts allies Attack Damage +40 Armor
+350 Max Health
+150 Max Mana
+15 Ability Haste
Harbinger: Casting your ultimate surrounds you with a blizzard and ignites a nearby ally's attacks for 10 seconds. Your blizzard deals a maximum of 480–900 damage, slows enemies by 25% and leaves a trail behind you. Allied champions on the trail gain 55 bonus Movement Speed for 1 second. (30s Cooldown) 2700
Zeke's Convergence TIPS: Pick up Zeke's Convergence on champions with lots of CC.

Death's Dance
Delays damage taken +35 Attack Damage
+40 Armor
+15 Ability Haste
Dance: Champion takedowns cleanse Cauterize's remaining damage pool and restores 10% of your maximum health over 2 seconds.
Cauterize: 32% of physical damage received (12% if the equipped champion is ranged) is dealt to you over 3 seconds as true damage instead. 3000
Death's Dance TIPS: Effective against champions with high burst damage or who rely on abilities to deal damage, such as assassins like Zed, Kha'Zix, Talon. The item's passive damage reduction and healing can help mitigate their burst and sustain through extended fights.

Protector's Vow
Protects allies +400 Max Health
+40 Armor
+10 Ability Haste
+5% Heal and Shield Strength
Protector: Raise your Guard when next to an allied champion. If you or your ally take damage from a champion, monster, or turret, both of you receive a 125 (125 + 30% bonus health) shield for 1.5 seconds. (20s Cooldown).

Winter's Approach
Converts Mana to Health +350 Max Health
+500 Max Mana
+15 Ability Haste
Awe: Grants bonus health equal to 8% of max Mana and refunds 15% of all Mana spent.
Mana Charge: Increases max Mana by 12 every attack, when Mana is spent or when taking damage from champions, epic monsters, or towers. Caps at 700 bonus Mana, transforming Winter's Approach into Fimbulwinter. Triggers up to 3 times every 12 seconds. You may only carry one Tear of the Goddess item at a time. 2600
Winter's Approach TIPS: A defensive item that empowers spell-weaving tanks by providing a huge shield equal to a % of your mana pool.

Converts Mana to Health +350 Max Health
+1200 Max Mana
+15 Ability Haste
Awe: Grants bonus health equal to 10% of max Mana and refunds 15% of all Mana spent.
Frozen Colossus: Immobilizing or slowing an enemy champion consumes 3% current mana and grants a shield for 3 seconds, absorbing 90-180 +4.5% current Mana, increased by 80% if there is more than 1 enemy champion nearby.
Only triggers when above 20% max Mana. (8s cooldown).
Shield is 50% effective for ranged champions. 2600
Fimbulwinter TIPS: A defensive item that empowers spell-weaving tanks by providing a huge shield equal to a % of your mana pool.

Force of Nature
Stacking Magic Resist and Move Speed +350 Max Health
+55 Magic Resistance
Storm: +5% Move Speed.
Absorb: Taking ability damage from enemy champions grants 1 stack(s) of Steadfast for 7 seconds, max 4 stacks. Receiving damage from an enemy Champion will refresh the duration of the stacks. At maximum stacks, gain 10% Movement Speed and reduce all incoming magic damage by 25%. 2750
Force of Nature TIPS: Tank item which is recommended in situations where: 1) enemy team has a lot of magic damage; 2) you need increased movement speed. Effective against champions like Syndra, Brand, etc.

Frozen Heart
Reduces all nearby enemies Attack Speed +80 Armor
+200 Max Mana
+25 Ability Haste
Winter's Caress: Basic attacks and magic damage caused by you or inflicted upon you and nearby allies, will apply stacks of Chill to the enemy champion for 3 seconds. Each stack of Chill slows enemy attack speed by 9%, up to a maximum of 4 stacks or 36% attack speed reduction. Each individual ability has a 3 seconds cooldown on applying Chill stacks. 2700
Frozen Heart TIPS: Recommended whenever you need to increase mana usage; reduce enemy attack speed. It's effective against AD champions who rely on basic attacks (Jinx, Tristana, Vayne) or use their abilities frequently (Yasuo, Riven, Zed).

Immobilize effects damage and reveal around you +250 Max Health
+50 Armor
+30 Magic Resistance
Dawnbringer: If you are within 400 units of an enemy champion, and you immobilize a champion or are immobilized, reveal all nearby enemy champions for 3 seconds and deal 80 + 5% bonus as magic damage. (3s Cooldown)

Amaranth's Twinguard
In-combat durability +60 Armor
+60 Magic Resistance
Endurance: Gain 1 stacks of Endurance every 1 seconds while in combat with enemy champions (max 5 stacks). At maximum stacks, gain 20% size, 20% Tenacity, and increase Armor by 30% and Magic Resistance
by 30% until out of combat with champion.
Amaranth's Twinguard TIPS: The item increases your stamina during combat, in addition to high defensive characteristics, it reduces the slowdown effects imposed on you. It enjoys great popularity among bruisers and tanks.

Mantle of the Twelfth Hour
Recover health when you are low on health +200 Max Health
+40 Armor
+40 Magic Resistance
Lifeline: Damage that puts you under 35%, grants bonus max Health equal to 180 + 45% bonus health
for 3 seconds, and provides 50% Slow Resistance and 30 Movement Speed for 3 seconds. (90 second cooldown)

Searing Crown
Attacks and damaging abilities burn enemies +300 Max Health
+50 Armor
Fiery Touch: After dealing damage with an attack or ability, burn target for 3 seconds, dealing 1.4% of the target’s maximum health as magic damage per second (damage reduced to 0.8% for ranged users).
Deals 150% damage to minions and monsters.
Maximum 125 damage to monsters. 2700

Increase Maximum Health +700 Max Health
+150% Health Regen
+20 Ability Haste
Colossal Consumption: While within 700 units of an enemy champion, charges for 2.5 seconds before dealing a huge strike against the enemy champion. This charged attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 140 + 3.5% of maximum Health, and grants maximum Health equal to 15% of the damage dealt. The charge for each target has a 20 second cooldown. 3000
Heartsteel TIPS: Tanky item that is good for skirmishing with the enemy.

Heal nearby allies periodically +350 Max Health
+300 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
+5% Heal and Shield Strength
Eternity: Restore Mana equal to 15% of the damage taken from champions. When consuming Mana, restore Health equal to 20% of Mana consumed. Capped at 15 Health per cast.
Salvation: Every 8 seconds, restore Health (50 + 6% bonus) to all allied champions within 350 units. This effect does not trigger if there are no allied champions nearby.
Redeeming TIPS: Good for champions who have healing or shielding abilities.

Kaenic Rookern
Gains a magic shield when out of combat +350 Max Health
+100% Health Regen
+75 Magic Resistance
Magebane: After not taking magic damage for 12 seconds, gain a magic shield that absorbs damage equal to 70-180 + 10% of max Health.
Kaenic Rookern TIPS: This item gives you a magic shield when you've been out of combat for some time. Good versus heavy AP teams.

Yordle Trap
Recommended for champions that apply displacement crowd control effects +350 Max Health
+40 Armor
+15 Ability Haste
Catcher: After applying crowd control effects that displace the enemy, gain 30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds and mark the target, reducing their Armor and Magic Resistance
by 5-12 for 5 seconds. If the target dies while they are marked, their death grants 200-300 bonus gold (
) that will be evenly shared among you and nearby allies. The bonus gold can only be obtained once every 10 seconds.
Yordle Trap TIPS: A useful item for support tanks. By applying control effects you get an increase in movement speed and stamina. A good bonus for you and your allies when killing/assisting.
Support Items

Magic damage reduces enemy healing +150 Max Health
+70 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+20 Ability Haste
Affliction: Dealing magic damage to enemy champions inflicts 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 2500
Morellonomicon TIPS: Mage’s grievous wounds option for tackling enemy comps with heavy healing & sustain. Perfect against champions like Soraka, Dr. Mundo & Vladimir.

Ardent Censer
Increases allies Attack Speed +250 Max Health
+35 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+10% Heal and Shield Strength
Ardent: +5% Move Speed.
Censer: When you heal or shield, an allied champion other than yourself, they gain 10-40% Attack Speed and their attacks deal 20-40 bonus magic damage. for 6 seconds. 2800
Ardent Censer TIPS: Amplifies the power of healing and shielding abilities. When you have a hyper-carry ADC or an auto-attack based champion on your team; multiple champions with healing or shielding abilities on your team.

Harmonic Echo
Abilities grant healing effects +100 Max Health
+55 Ability Power
+300 Max Mana
+10 Ability Haste
+10% Heal and Shield Strength
Harmonic Echo: Moving and casting abilities builds Harmony. At 100 Harmony your next healing or shielding ability on an ally other than yourself restores Health equal to 150 (+ 15% AP ) to your target and up to the target. Every 10 Ability Haste you have increases healing by 3%. If the target's Health is below 40%, healing potency is increased to 150% of the original.
Harmonic Echo TIPS: Greatly increases healing for allies. Stay on the move!

Staff of Flowing Water
Enhance allies Ability Power and Ability Haste +100 Max Health
+45 Ability Power
+350 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
+10% Heal and Shield Strength
Rapids: Healing or shielding an ally grants you both +20 Ability Haste and 20-40
(based on target's level) Ability Power for 6 seconds.
Staff of Flowing Water TIPS: Good for champions who have healing or shielding abilities.

Oceanid's Trident
Anti-Shielding +200 Max Health
+80 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+10 Ability Haste
Lethal Weapon: Dealing ability damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain for 3 seconds. Area of effect abilities apply (5% of bonus AP + 25)% shield reduction, capped at 45%; while single target abilities apply (5% of bonus AP
+ 40)% shield reduction, capped at 60%. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Lethal Weapon, all shields on them are reduced by the same values.
Oceanid's Trident TIPS: If you're an mage-assassin and the enemy has a lot of shields, pick this item up to make destroying their shields easier.

Imperial Mandate
Crowd control grants additional ally damage +200 Max Health
+40 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal 47-75 bonus magic damage and marks them for 4 seconds (6 seconds cooldown per enemy champion). Allied champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional 94-150 magic damage (based on ally level) and granting you both 20% Move Speed, for 2 seconds. 2500
Imperial Mandate TIPS: If you have an ability that slows or immobilizes a champion, you can give your allies some healing if they auto the enemy. Only pick up on champs with CC.

Zeke's Convergence
Boosts allies Attack Damage +40 Armor
+350 Max Health
+150 Max Mana
+15 Ability Haste
Harbinger: Casting your ultimate surrounds you with a blizzard and ignites a nearby ally's attacks for 10 seconds. Your blizzard deals a maximum of 480–900 damage, slows enemies by 25% and leaves a trail behind you. Allied champions on the trail gain 55 bonus Movement Speed for 1 second. (30s Cooldown) 2700
Zeke's Convergence TIPS: Pick up Zeke's Convergence on champions with lots of CC.

Protector's Vow
Protects allies +400 Max Health
+40 Armor
+10 Ability Haste
+5% Heal and Shield Strength
Protector: Raise your Guard when next to an allied champion. If you or your ally take damage from a champion, monster, or turret, both of you receive a 125 (125 + 30% bonus health) shield for 1.5 seconds. (20s Cooldown).

Frozen Heart
Reduces all nearby enemies Attack Speed +80 Armor
+200 Max Mana
+25 Ability Haste
Winter's Caress: Basic attacks and magic damage caused by you or inflicted upon you and nearby allies, will apply stacks of Chill to the enemy champion for 3 seconds. Each stack of Chill slows enemy attack speed by 9%, up to a maximum of 4 stacks or 36% attack speed reduction. Each individual ability has a 3 seconds cooldown on applying Chill stacks. 2700
Frozen Heart TIPS: Recommended whenever you need to increase mana usage; reduce enemy attack speed. It's effective against AD champions who rely on basic attacks (Jinx, Tristana, Vayne) or use their abilities frequently (Yasuo, Riven, Zed).

Immobilize effects damage and reveal around you +250 Max Health
+50 Armor
+30 Magic Resistance
Dawnbringer: If you are within 400 units of an enemy champion, and you immobilize a champion or are immobilized, reveal all nearby enemy champions for 3 seconds and deal 80 + 5% bonus as magic damage. (3s Cooldown)

Heal nearby allies periodically +350 Max Health
+300 Max Mana
+20 Ability Haste
+5% Heal and Shield Strength
Eternity: Restore Mana equal to 15% of the damage taken from champions. When consuming Mana, restore Health equal to 20% of Mana consumed. Capped at 15 Health per cast.
Salvation: Every 8 seconds, restore Health (50 + 6% bonus) to all allied champions within 350 units. This effect does not trigger if there are no allied champions nearby.
Redeeming TIPS: Good for champions who have healing or shielding abilities.

Yordle Trap
Recommended for champions that apply displacement crowd control effects +350 Max Health
+40 Armor
+15 Ability Haste
Catcher: After applying crowd control effects that displace the enemy, gain 30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds and mark the target, reducing their Armor and Magic Resistance
by 5-12 for 5 seconds. If the target dies while they are marked, their death grants 200-300 bonus gold (
) that will be evenly shared among you and nearby allies. The bonus gold can only be obtained once every 10 seconds.
Yordle Trap TIPS: A useful item for support tanks. By applying control effects you get an increase in movement speed and stamina. A good bonus for you and your allies when killing/assisting.
Boots and Enchantments

Gluttonous Greaves
Attack Damage, Omnivamp +35 Attack Damage
+45 Move Speed.
Conversion: +7% Omnivamp.

Berserker's Greaves
Attack Speed +20 Attack Damage
+35% Attack Speed
+45 Move Speed.

Mercury's Treads
Reduces Magic Damage +200 Max Health
+100% Health Regen
+35 Magic Resistance
+45 Move Speed.
Dissolve: Reduces magic damage taken by 7-12% ().

Plated Steelcaps
Reduces Physical Damage +150 Max Health
+100% Health Regen
+35 Armor
+45 Move Speed.
Block: Reduces physical damage taken by 7-10% ().

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Cooldown +150 Max Health
+30 Ability Haste.
+45 Move Speed.
Summoned: Reduces spell cooldowns by 15%. 1400

Boots of Mana
Ability Power, Magic Penetration, Mana Regeneration +55 Ability Power
+45 Move Speed.
+150% Mana Regeneration
Magic Break: +8% Magic Penetration.

Boots of Dynamism
Attack Damage, Armor Penetration +30 Attack Damage
+45 Move Speed.
Strike: +10 Armor Penetration.

Stasis Enchant
Turn invulnerable
Stasis (Active): Become invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but unable to move, attack, cast abilities or use items. (120s Cooldown) 1000
Stasis Enchant TIPS: Good against assassins and burst damage.

Locket Enchant
Area of effect magic shield
Locket (Active): Grants a shield to yourself and nearby allied champions that each absorbs 60-330 damage for 2.5 seconds. (60s cooldown)
This effect is reduced by 50% if the target has been affected by another Locket in the last 20 seconds. 500
Locket Enchant TIPS: Is great on tanks who are good in team fights.

Glorious Enchant
Increases Movement Speed
Glory (Active): Gain +15% Move Speed for 4 seconds, increasing to 75% towards enemy champions or towers. After 4 seconds or reaching an enemy champion emits a shockwave that slows nearby enemies by 50% for 2 seconds. (45s Cooldown) 500

Protobelt Enchant
Small dash
Protobelt (Active): Dash forward and unleash a cone of missiles that deal 70 magic damage. (60s Cooldown)
If champions or monsters are hit by more than one missile, the additional missiles deal only 10% damage. 500
Protobelt Enchant TIPS: Buy this when you need to close the gap to get on to the enemy.

Quicksilver Enchant
Dispels crowd control
Quicksilver (Active): Removes all crowd control effects currently affecting you, and become immune to crowd control effects for 0.75 seconds.
Perseverance (Passive): After the Quicksilver effects ends, grant 30% Tenacity and 30% Slow Resist for 1.5 seconds. (60s Cooldown)
Cannot be used during knock up or knock back effects. 800

Stoneplate Enchant
Stoneplate (Active): Gain a shield that absorbs 28% of your max Health. The shield decays over 4 seconds. (60s Cooldown) Fore every enemy nearby, gain an additional shield that absorbs damage equal to 10% of max Health, capped at 3 shields. Damage dealt is reduced by 40% for 4 seconds. If the shield breaks early, damage reduction will end. 500

Teleport Enchant
Teleport across the map
Teleport (Active): After channeling for 3.5 seconds, teleport your champion to an allied champion, structure, or ward. (180s Cooldown) 800

Magnetron Enchant
Aid allies and Taunt enemies
Magnetron (Active): Selects a minion or monster and rapidly dashes behind them. (50s Cooldown) 500

Repulsor Enchant
Knock back nearby enemies and gain Movement Speed
Repulsor (Active): Knock back nearby enemies. After knocking back a champion, gain 30% Movement Speed for 3 second(s). (60s Cooldown) 500

Veil Enchant
Block an ability for an ally
Veil (Active): Grant a spell shield to a nearby ally for 3 seconds, blocking the next hostile ability. (45s Cooldown) 500

Meteor Enchant
Large Area Damage
Starfall (Active): Lights up an area and summons a meteor after 2.5 seconds, dealing 25% of each enemy's maximum health as magic damage. (90s Cooldown)
Minions and Monsters cannot take more than 500 damage. 500

Ravenous Hydra
Attacks deal bonus damage in a area
Ravenous Crescent (Active): Deal adaptive damage (140% AD+ 30% AP
) to nearby enemies and restores Health by 60% of the damage dealt. (10s Cooldown)
Deals 50% damage to monsters.
Deals 50% damage to minion. 500
Ravenous Hydra TIPS: Good for skirmish heavy champions.

Dream Maker
Empowers your teammates next hit and reduces their next incoming damage
Dreamer: Gain a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble every 8 seconds. Healing or shielding an ally blows both Dream Bubbles to them, empowering them for 3 seconds. Blue Bubble reduces the next incoming damage by 70-140 (), while Purple Bubble grants 20-90 (
) bonus magic damage on the next hit.
Mid Tier Items

Vampiric Scepter +20 Attack Damage
+8% Physical Vamp

Increases Movement Speed +15% Critical Rate
+15% Attack Speed
Fervor: +5% Move Speed.

Kircheis Shard
Attacks deal bonus damage +20% Attack Speed
Energized: Moving and attacking generates Energy stacks. At max stacks your next attack deals 50 bonus magic damage and activates all Energized effects. 900

Serrated Dirk +20 Attack Damage
Sharp: +8 Armor Penetration.

Recurve Bow
Attack deal bonus damage +30% Attack Speed
Reinforced: Attacks deal 15 bonus physical damage on-hit against targets. 1400

B. F. Sword +40 Attack Damage

Cloak of Agility +20% Critical Rate

Last Whisper
Armor Penetration (%) +15 Attack Damage
Last Whisper: +15% Armor Penetration.

Executioner's Calling
Physical Damage reduces enemy healing +15 Attack Damage
Rend: Physical Damage inflicts 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds. Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 800

Attacks increases Movement Speed +150 Max Health
+15 Attack Damage
Rage: Attacks grant 20 Move Speed and kills grant 60 Move Speed for 2 seconds. Bonuses do not stack. Ranged champions gain halved values. 1000

Stinger +30% Attack Speed
+10 Ability Haste

Caulfield's Warhammer +25 Attack Damage
+10 Ability Haste

Jaurim's Fist +175 Max Health
+15 Attack Damage

Tear of the Goddess
Increases Mana +300 Max Mana
+10 Ability Haste
Awe: 10% of Mana spent is refunded.
Mana Charge: Increases max Mana by 7 every time Mana is spent. Caps at 700 bonus Mana. Triggers up to 3 times every 12 seconds. You may only carry one Tear of the Goddess item at a time. 900

Aether Wisp
Increases Movement Speed +35 Ability Power
Wisp: +5% Move Speed.

Lost Chapter +30 Ability Power
+200 Max Mana

Fiendish Codex +35 Ability Power
+10 Ability Haste

Blasting Wand +40 Ability Power

Needlessly Large Rod +60 Ability Power

Haunting Guise +100 Max Health
+30 Ability Power

Attacks deal bonus damage after ability casts +10 Ability Haste
Spellblade: Using an ability causes the next attack used within 10 seconds to deal bonus physical damage equal to 100% base attack damage . (1.5s Cooldown) Damage is reduced vs structures.

Oblivion Orb
Magic damage reduces enemy healing +30 Ability Power
Cursed: Magic damage inflicts 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 800

Prophet's Pendant
Magic Penetration (%) +30 Ability Power
Doomsayer: +12% Magic Penetration.

Bami's Cinder
Burns nearby emenies +250 Max Health
Immolate: Deals 10-20 magic damage per second to nearby enemies. Deals 15% bonus damage to minions and monsters. 1300

Spectre's Cowl
Boosts Health Regen when tacking damage +175 Max Health
+20 Magic Resistance
Spectral Visit: Grants 150% Health Regen for 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion. 1100

Kindlegem +175 Max Health
+10 Ability Haste

Giant's Belt +300 Max Health

Warden's Mail
Reduces enemy's Attack Speed +35 Armor
Cold Steel: Reduce the Attack Speed of enemies by 15% for 1.5 seconds when struck by an attack. 1050

Catalyst of Aeons
Consumes Mana to heal +200 Max Health
+300 Max Mana
Eternity: Restore Mana equal to 15% of the damage taken from champions. Regen Health equal to 20% of Mana spent. Capped at 15 Health per cast. 1100

Chain Vest +40 Armor

Bramble Vest
Reflects damage and reduces enemy healing +30 Armor
Thorns: When struck by an attack, deal 4 magic damage + 6% bonus armor to the attacker and inflict 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds if they are a champion.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 1000

Hexdrinker +20 Attack Damage
+20 Magic Resistance

Negatron Cloak +40 Magic Resistance

Glacial Shroud +20 Armor
+150 Max Mana
+10 Ability Haste

Winged Moonplate
Increaces Move Speed +150 Max Health
Flight: +5% Move Speed.

Seeker's Armguard +30 Armor
+25 Ability Power

Nashor's Talon
Gain Attack Damage or Ability Power
Magic Needle: Gain 20 Attack Damage or 40 Ability Power (adaptive). 800

Noonquiver +25 Attack Damage
+15% Attack Speed

Hextech Alternator
Abilities deal bonus damage +150 Max Health
+25 Ability Power
Revved: Damaging abilities and empowered attacks against champions deal 25-60 bonus magic damage. (20s Cooldown) 1400

Mejai's Soulstealer
Takedowns increase AP +70 Max Health
+25 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
Glory: Gain up to 30 stacks of Glory after a champion takedown. Melee champions gain 3 stack(s) for each kill and 2 stack(s) for each assist; ranged champions gain 4 stack(s) for each kill and 2 stack(s) for each assist. You lose 10 stack(s) on death.
Fear: Gain 5 AP for every stack of Glory you have. At 10 stack(s) of Glory and above, gain 10% bonus Movement Speed.

Surging Scales
In-combat Slow Resist +40 Armor
Surge: Gain 20% Slow Resist while in combat with an enemy champion. 1300

Forbidden Idol
Increase heal and shield strength +100 Max Health
+10 Ability Haste
+5% Heal and Shield Strength
Basic Items

Boots of Speed +25 Move Speed.

Long Sword +12 Attack Damage

Brawler's Gloves +10% Critical Rate

Dagger +15% Attack Speed

Shimmering Spark
Burns nearby enemies +50 Max Health
Immolate: Deals 5-10 magic damage per second to nearby enemies. 500

Sapphire Crystal +100 Max Mana
+5 Ability Haste
Mana Charge: Increases max Mana by 5 every time Mana is spent. Caps at 250 bonus mana. Triggers up to 3 times every 12 seconds. You may only carry one Tear of the Goddess item at a time. 500

Amplifying Tome +25 Ability Power

Ruby Crystal +150 Max Health

Cloth Armor +20 Armor

Null-Magic Mantle +20 Magic Resistance

Ring of Revelation
Reduces ability cooldowns +10 Ability Haste

Burst Damage
Within 3 seconds, hit the same enemy champion with 3 basick attacks or abilities to cause additional adaptive damage to the target.
Damage value: 40-194 () + 40% extra
+ 25%
Cooldown: 20-13s ()

Poke, Protect
Your attacks and abilities send Aery to a target, damaging enemies or shielding allies.
Damage: 10-60 () + 20% bonus
+ 10%
Shield: 20-120 () + 40% bonus
+ 20%
Aery cannot be sent out again until she returns to you.

Phase Rush
Mobility, Ability Haste
Using basic attacks or abilities on an enemy champion 3 time(s) within 4s grants Movement Speed and reduces the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by 20%.
Duration: 3s.
Movement Speed bonus: Melee - 40%-60% () | Ranged - 30-50% (
Ability Haste: 25.
Cooldown: 12s

Stacking Damage, Vamp
Gain stacks of Adaptive Force when hitting a champion with separate attacks or abilities. Stacks up to 6 times. When fully stacked, gain bonus omnivamp.
Per stack: 2-6 bonus or 3-9
for 6s.
Fully stacked bonus: Melee - 8%, Ranged - 5% bonus Omnivamp .

Fleet Footwork
Mobility, Heal
Moving, attacking and casting builds Energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack gains Attack Speed, heals you, grants bonus Movement Speed. If the attack is again st a champion, it also restores Mana or Energy.
Bonus Attack Speed: 100%
Health Restore: 15-85 () + 30% bonus
+ 30%
Bonus Movement Speed: 20% for 1s.
When attacking a champion, restore 8% missing mana or 8% missing energy
When attacking minions or monsters, heals for 60% (Melee champions) or 20% (Ranged champions) of the original heal amount.

Burst, Damage Amplification
Hitting an enemy champion with 3 consecutive attacks deals bonus adaptive damage and makes them Vulnerable, increasing all damage they take by 9% for 6 second(s). Once Vulnerable, your attacks to the target deal bonus true damage.
When Vulnerability ends, the target goes into Vulnerability cooldown for 4 second(s).
Adaptive Damage: 40-180 ()
True Damage: 8-24 ()

Grasp of Undying
Tank, Heal
Every 3s in combat, your next attack on a champion will be enhanced.
Bonus magic damage: 3%.
Heal: 2.5%.
Permanently health increase: 10.
On Ranged champions, the effects are reduced by 60%.

Control, Offense
After immobilizing an enemy champion, gain defenses and later deal a burst of magic damage around you.
Defenses: 35 + 80% bonus
and 35
+ 80% bonus
for 2.5s.
Damage: 25~125 () + 3% max
, magic damage.
Cooldown: 20s

Lethal Tempo
Attack Speed
Gain stacks of Attack Speed when attacking enemy champions. Stacks up to 6 times. At max stacks, you gain bonus range and can exceed the Attack Speed cap.
Each stack: increase 10-18% (Melee) or 4-13% (Ranged) Attack Speed for 6 seconds.
At max stack bonus: Gain 50 (Melee) or 75 (Ranged) Attack Distance.

First Strike
Bonus Gold, Bonus Damage
0.25s after engaging an enemy champion in combat, dealing damage to them grants 10 gold and a First Strike effect that lasts 3s to you, allowing you to deal 8% bonus true damage to the enemy champion. Once the effect has ended, gain gold according to the bonus damage dealt (melee: 100% /ranged: 85%) during the effect.
Cooldown: 20s

Glacial Augment
Applies Slow
Landing an attack on an enemy champion reduces their Movement Speed by 20% for 1.5s. This effect only affects each champion up to a maximum of 1 time(s) within 10s. Immobilizing an enemy champion triggers 3 glacial rays that radiate toward you, creating a frozen region that lasts for 3s. The region slows enemies within it by (1.5% of your bonus Health + 20%). and reduces the damage that they deal by 12%. The slow effect will persist for 1.5s even after they leave the frozen region.
Cooldown: 20s

Arcane Comet
Poke, Stack Amplification
Damaging a champion with an ability hurls a comet at their location. When a comet hits an enemy champion, the next comet's damage increases.
Damage: (23 to 100) + (3 x total hits on enemy champions) + 35% bonus + 20%
Cooldown: 16-8s ()

Damaging an enemy champion with an ability burns them, dealing 28-42 bonus magic damage () after 1 seconds.
Cooldown: 8s

Shield Bash
Bonus Damage
After receiving a healing or shielding effect, your next attack against an enemy champion will be empowered, dealing bonus 15 - 50 () + 15% bonus
+ 10%
adaptive damage.
Cooldown: 7s

Sudden Impact
Bonus Damage
For 4 seconds after exiting stealth or using a dash, leap, blink, or teleport, damaging an enemy champion additionally deals 10-80 true damage.
Cooldown: 10s

Psychic Wave
Bonus Damage
The next attack within 4s of damaging an enemy champion with an ability, or the next ability used within 4s of damaging an enemy champion with an attack, creates an explosion that deals adaptive damage (22 - 50 () + 15% bonus
+ 7.5%
) in a small area.
Ranged champions deal 70% of the damage.
Cooldown: 7s

Empowered Attack
Bonus Damage
Every 8 seconds, the next attack will be empowered, dealing 35-50 bonus adaptive damage () to anemy champions.

Cheap Shot
Bonus Damage
Deals 10-45 bonus true damage to enemies whose movement is impaired.
Cooldown: 7s

Mark of the Weak
Increase damage taken
Using abilities to deal damage to enemy champions will mark them as weak, increasing damage taken by them by 4-7% (). The mark disappears after they take ability damage 3 times, or after 7s have passed.
Cooldown: 15s

Eyeball Collector
Adaptive Force
Gains 1 or 2
after each unique enemy champion takedown, stacking up to 10 times.
At 10 stacks, gain bonus 10 or 20

Ingenious Hunter
Item Ability Haste, Charge Speed
Gains 20 Item Ability Haste. Gains a bonus 5 Item Ability Haste after each unique enemy champion takedown. Stacks up to 5 times.

Zombie Ward
Vision, Adaptive Force
Removing an enemy ward spawns a Zombie Ward in its place, granting vision of the surrounding area for 120 seconds. Also gains 3 or 6
. Stacks up to 5 times.
Gains a bonus 10 or 20
upon reaching 5 stacks.

On-hit Damage
Basic attacks deal 7-21 bonus adaptive damage on-hit against champions.

Execute, Heal
Champion takedowns restore 10% of lost health and 10% of maximum mana and energy.

Gathering storm
Increasing AD/AP
Every 3 minutes, gain increasing Adaptive or
. Totaling: 2/5/9/14
or 4/10/18/28
based on game time.

Last Stand
Bonus Damage
When health is lower than 60%, attacks launched at enemy champions deal 5-11% bonus adaptive damage.
Grants maximum bonus damage when Health is lower than 30%.

Giant Slayer
Takedown high health champions
Deal bonus damage based on the enemy champion’s bonus health, up to 16% bonus damage when the enemy champion has 1600 bonus health.

Coup de Grace
Bonus Damage
When an enemy champion has less than 40% Health, deals 8% bonus adaptive damage.

Legend: Alacrity
Bonus Attack Speed
Gains 3% Attack Speed. Takedown monsters, enemy champions, or minions to gain up to an additional 20% Attack Speed.

Legend: Tenacity
Tenacity, Slow Resist
Gains 3% Tenacity and 3% Slow Resist. Takedown monsters, enemy champions, or minions to gain up to an additional 15% Tenacity and 20% Slow Resist.

Legend: Bloodline
Gains 1% Omnivamp . Takedown monsters, enemy champions, or minions to gain up to an additional 7% Omnivamp

Font of Life
Team Heal
Hitting an enemy champion with an attack or ability marks them. When allies or you damage marked champions, heal those allies and yourself. Each ally can trigger this healing once per mark.
Ally Heal: 3% of your max + 15% of your
Self Heal: 1% of your max + 5% of your
Mark duration: 3s
Cooldown: 15s for Melee champions, 20s for Ranged champions.
Subsequent heals from other ally's marks are reduced to 25%.

Courage of the Colossus
Gains a shield that absorbs up to 25-45 () + 1% of max Health
for 3s when immobilizing an enemy champion.
Cooldown: 10s

Nullifying Orb
Shield when low health
If you would take damage from a champion that causes you to fall below 35% of your maximum health, grants a shield that absorbs up to 60-190 () damage for 4s.
Cooldown: 60s

Second Wind
Heal after taking damage
Gain 5 Health every 5 seconds.
After taking damage from an enemy champion, regenerate 6 + (2% of your missing health) over the next 5 seconds. This effect is doubled for melee champions.

Shared Bonus AR/MR
You gain 2 and 5
. Your closest ally champion gains 5
and 2

Bone Plating
Block Combo-damage
When taking damage from a champion, the current and next 3 champion abilities or attacks against you and within 1.5s deal 30-60 () less damage.
Cooldown: 30s

Bonus HP
When 2 minions or 1 monsters are killed nearby, permanently gains 3 max Health. Max Health can be increased indefinitely. Gains a bonus 3% max Health upon reaching 30 stacks.

Buff Heal, Shield
Gains a 5% amplification effect when casting Heal or Shield. If the target's Health is lower than 40%, amplifies its effect by an additional 10%.
Increases healing and shielding effects.

Armor and Magic Resistance, Tenacity
Gain 10% Tenacity. When immobilized, gain 16-30 Armor and Magic Resistance () for 1.5 seconds. Refresh duration time when immobilized multiple times.

Gain 5% Tenacity plus up to 20% bonus Tenacity based on the number of surviving enemy champions nearby.

Sweet Tooth
Honeyfruit, Gold
Increases Honeyfruit healing by 20%. Whenever you eat a Honeyfruit gain 15 gold.

Hextech Flashtraption
Replaces this item with Hexflash while Flash is still on cooldown. You can blink to a new location after channeling for 2s. When channeled for less than 1s, you will dash the distance as if you channeled for 1s.
Cooldown: 25s

Item Crafting
Purchase Items
Gains an opportunity to buy 1 item(s) outside of the Fountain every 3 minutes, but it will cost 50 extra gold.

Gain a bonus when reaching the following levels:
At level 1, gain 6 Ability Haste;
at level 6, gain bonus 6 Ability Haste;
at level 11, after Basic Ability hit the target, redue 15% the ability's cooldown time.
Cooldown: 8s

Future's Market
Purchase Items
You can purchase items on credit. Credit limit: 145 +7/minute. Credit purchases are available 2 minutes into the game.

Mobility, Restore Health, Restore Mana
Gain 50 bonus movement speed in the river. When in the river while out of combat, restore 2% missing Health or 2% missing Mana (whichever is lower) every 1 seconds.

Nimbus Cloak
Movement Speed
After casting a Summoner Spell, gain 10% - 40% movement bonus for 3 seconds. The speedup effectiveness depends onthe Summoner Spell's cooldown.

Destroy Turrets
When within 5.5 range of the enemy turret, gain a charge every 0.5 seconds, up to 6 times. When fully charged, your next basic attack against the turret deals an additional (200 + 30% max ) Physical Damage.
Cooldown: 30s

Manaflow Band
Hitting an enemy champion with and ability or empowered attack permanently increases your max mana by 30, up to 300 mana.

Ixtali Seedjar
Pick up seeds and grow plants
Plants hit by you or your allies drop seeds. When picked up, the seed replaces your trinket for 60 seconds and grants you Movement Speed. The seed takes 1 second to mature after it is planted at a target location. Seeds can be picked up 2 minutes after the game starts.
Bonus Movement Speed: 40% (decays over 2.5 seconds).
Cooldown: Each plant has a unique 45s

Teleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction.
Cooldown: 150s

Gain a large burst of movement speed, that decays to 25% bonus movement speed for 8 seconds. With each takedown, Ghost's duration is extended by 6 seconds, refreshing its effects, up to the original amount.
Cooldown: 90s

Restore 110 Health (110–400 ) to you and the most wounded nearby ally champion, and grants both of you 30% bonus Movement Speed for 2 second(s).
Healing is halved for champions recently affected by Heal.
Cooldown: 100s

Gain a shield that absorbs 120 (120–560 ) damage for 2.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 100s

Ignites target enemy champion, dealing 72 true damage (72–380 ) over 5 and applying 60% Grievous Wounds for the duration.
Grievous Wound reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
Cooldown: 100s

Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing their Movement Speed by 35% and their damage dealt by 40% for 2.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 100s

Deal 600 true damage to monsters, epic monsters or enemy minions, and restore 127 Health (70 + 10%) when smite a monster. Smite can be upgraded to Chilling Smite after being used 3 times.
Jungle Expertise:
+20% bonus gold and 20% bonus XP from jungle monsters, but temporarily earn 60% less gold and XP from minions.
+15% bonus basic attack damage and +30% bonus ability damage to jungle monsters.
Restore 40 Health over 5 seconds when dealing damage to jungle monsters.
Restore 4 Mana every second while in the jungle or river.
Gains one charge every 45 seconds, up to a max of 2.
Cooldown: 10s

Сhilling Smite
Deal 800 true damage to a large or epic monster or minion. Smiting monsters restore 152 Health (70 + 10%).
Against champions: Deal 70 true damage (38 to 184) ato enemy Champions and steals 25% of their Movement Speed for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 10s

Removes disables (including spell debuffs) affecting your champion and grants immunity to disables for 0.25 seconds.
Cooldown: 110s