The information below will help you get familiar with the game on the Adc Line ZERI. We have prepared a items builds, runes, summoner spells and ability order for a comfortable game. Situational options for replacing items and runes are also available to you.
Long Sword +12 Attack Damage
Grants bonus AD and Attack Speed +50 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
Bloody: +10% Physical Vamp.
Bloodsworn: Gain 11-25 AD and 10% Attack Speed when your Health is above 50%.
Gluttonous Greaves
Attack Damage, Omnivamp +35 Attack Damage
+45 Move Speed.
Conversion: +7% Omnivamp.
Runaan's Hurricane
Ranged Attacks hit 3 targets +45% Attack Speed
Wind's Fury: Attacks strike 2 additional nearby enemies, each dealing 55%. These strikes can Critically Strike and trigger on-hit effects.
Wind’s Favor: Gain 20 AD or 40 AP
Wind Blade: Attacks deal 15 bonus physical damage on-hit against targets.
This item cannot only be used by melee champions. 2900
Runaan's Hurricane TIPS: Good for champions who need to constantly auto-attack to deal damage.
Gluttonous Greaves
Attack Damage, Omnivamp +35 Attack Damage
+45 Move Speed.
Conversion: +7% Omnivamp.
Berserker's Greaves
Attack Speed +20 Attack Damage
+35% Attack Speed
+45 Move Speed.
Quicksilver Enchant
Dispels crowd control
Quicksilver (Active): Removes all crowd control effects currently affecting you, and become immune to crowd control effects for 0.75 seconds.
Perseverance (Passive): After the Quicksilver effects ends, grant 30% Tenacity and 30% Slow Resist for 1.5 seconds. (60s Cooldown)
Cannot be used during knock up or knock back effects. 800
Stasis Enchant
Turn invulnerable
Stasis (Active): Become invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but unable to move, attack, cast abilities or use items. (120s Cooldown) 1000
Stasis Enchant TIPS: Good against assassins and burst damage.
Grants bonus AD and Attack Speed +50 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
Bloody: +10% Physical Vamp.
Bloodsworn: Gain 11-25 AD and 10% Attack Speed when your Health is above 50%.
Gluttonous Greaves
Attack Damage, Omnivamp +35 Attack Damage
+45 Move Speed.
Conversion: +7% Omnivamp.
Runaan's Hurricane
Ranged Attacks hit 3 targets +45% Attack Speed
Wind's Fury: Attacks strike 2 additional nearby enemies, each dealing 55%. These strikes can Critically Strike and trigger on-hit effects.
Wind’s Favor: Gain 20 AD or 40 AP
Wind Blade: Attacks deal 15 bonus physical damage on-hit against targets.
This item cannot only be used by melee champions. 2900
Runaan's Hurricane TIPS: Good for champions who need to constantly auto-attack to deal damage.
Infinity Edge
Increases Critical Strike Damage +60 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
Infinity: Critical Strikes deal 205% damage instead of 175%. 3200
Infinity Edge TIPS: Good on champions that crit alot. Pick this up for high damage crits.
Increases Armor Pen, Megic Pen, Armor, and Magic Resist +35 Attack Damage
+30% Attack Speed
Shadow: Attacks deal 35 bonus magic damage on-hit.
Juxtaposition: Alternate between Light and Dark on-hits when attacking. Light attacks grant 5-8 Armor and Magic Resist for 5 seconds on hit. Dark attacks grant
11% Armor Penetration and
11% Magic Penetration for 5 seconds on hit. Each on-hit effect stacks up to 3 times. The upper limit of armor and magic penetration rates is 40% when equipped with Terminus.
Terminus TIPS: On-hit item that provides mixed penetration & stacking bonus resistances. It works well on champions that auto-attack a lot.
Guardian Angel
Revives at death +40 Attack Damage
+40 Armor
Resurrect: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% and Health и 30% Mana after 4 seconds of stasis. (210s Cooldown) 3400
Guardian Angel TIPS: Second chance in teamfights. Effective against high burst damage champions (Zed, Syndra, Zoe, etc.) and strong diving potential (Camille, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, etc.).
Guardian Angel
Revives at death +40 Attack Damage
+40 Armor
Resurrect: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% and Health и 30% Mana after 4 seconds of stasis. (210s Cooldown) 3400
Guardian Angel TIPS: Second chance in teamfights. Effective against high burst damage champions (Zed, Syndra, Zoe, etc.) and strong diving potential (Camille, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, etc.).
Maw of Malmortius
Converts damage from attacks into a magic shield +55 Attack Damage
+45 Magic Resistance
+10 Ability Haste
Demonbane: 20% of the damage that your attack deals, or 15% of the physical damage that your abilities deal is converted into a magic shield that absorbs up to 60-400 magic damage. The shield decays by 5% per second.
Maw of Malmortius TIPS: Good choice against burst mages like Vex, Syndra, and Annie who can quickly take you down. It's also effective against sustained damage mages like Vladimir and Swain who rely on consistent damage over time.
Increases Armor Pen, Megic Pen, Armor, and Magic Resist +35 Attack Damage
+30% Attack Speed
Shadow: Attacks deal 35 bonus magic damage on-hit.
Juxtaposition: Alternate between Light and Dark on-hits when attacking. Light attacks grant 5-8 Armor and Magic Resist for 5 seconds on hit. Dark attacks grant
11% Armor Penetration and
11% Magic Penetration for 5 seconds on hit. Each on-hit effect stacks up to 3 times. The upper limit of armor and magic penetration rates is 40% when equipped with Terminus.
Terminus TIPS: On-hit item that provides mixed penetration & stacking bonus resistances. It works well on champions that auto-attack a lot.
Mortal Reminder
Armor Penetration (%) and reduced enemy healing +30 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
Last Whisper: +33% Armor Penetration.
Sepsis: Dealing physical damage to enemy champions applies 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 3300
Mortal Reminder TIPS: Must have item versus champions with a lot of healing such as Soraka, Yuumi, Dr. Mundo or Vladimir.
Guardian Angel
Revives at death +40 Attack Damage
+40 Armor
Resurrect: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% and Health и 30% Mana after 4 seconds of stasis. (210s Cooldown) 3400
Guardian Angel TIPS: Second chance in teamfights. Effective against high burst damage champions (Zed, Syndra, Zoe, etc.) and strong diving potential (Camille, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, etc.).
Immortal Shieldbow
Gain a Shield and Physical Vamp when health is low +40 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
+15% Attack Speed
+5% Physical Vamp
Lifeline: Damage that puts you under 35% Health preemptively grants a shield that absorbs 250-550 damage (
) for 5 seconds. (90s Cooldown).
Buttle Furor: Triggering Lifeline grants +8% Physical Vamp for 8 seconds.
Immortal Shieldbow TIPS: Recommended when you need a lot of sustain in fights; play a champion that benefits from high AD, (i.e. Draven, Jhin) or facing champions that deal a lot of physical damage (i.e. Zed, Master Yi, Tryndamere).
Guardian Angel
Revives at death +40 Attack Damage
+40 Armor
Resurrect: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% and Health и 30% Mana after 4 seconds of stasis. (210s Cooldown) 3400
Guardian Angel TIPS: Second chance in teamfights. Effective against high burst damage champions (Zed, Syndra, Zoe, etc.) and strong diving potential (Camille, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, etc.).
Blade of the Ruined King
Attacks deal bonus damage +25 Attack Damage
+35% Attack Speed
Thirst:+10% Physical Vamp.
Ruined Strikes: Attacks deal bonus physical damage equal to 6% of the enemy's current Health
on-hit. (Melee attacks deal 9%). Minion damage: 15. Max damage vs monsters: 60.
Drain: Hitting a champion with 3 attacks or abilities deals 30-100 bonus magic damage and steals 25% of their Move Speed for 2 seconds. (60s Cooldown)
Blade of the Ruined King TIPS: Is a great source of sustain with it’s lifesteal but mostly picked for it’s ability to cut through tanks or champions who heavily stack health like Dr. Mundo.
Teleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction.
Cooldown: 150s
Gain a large burst of movement speed, that decays to 25% bonus movement speed for 8 seconds. With each takedown, Ghost's duration is extended by 6 seconds, refreshing its effects, up to the original amount.
Cooldown: 90s
Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing their Movement Speed by 35% and their damage dealt by 40% for 2.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 100s
Lethal Tempo
Attack Speed
Gain stacks of Attack Speed when attacking enemy champions. Stacks up to 6 times. At max stacks, you gain bonus range and can exceed the Attack Speed cap.
Each stack: increase 10-18% (Melee) or 4-13% (Ranged) Attack Speed for 6 seconds.
At max stack bonus: Gain 50 (Melee) or 75 (Ranged) Attack Distance.
Gathering storm
Increasing AD/AP
Every 3 minutes, gain increasing Adaptive or
. Totaling: 2/5/9/14
or 4/10/18/28
based on game time.
Giant Slayer
Takedown high health champions
Deal bonus damage based on the enemy champion’s bonus health, up to 16% bonus damage when the enemy champion has 1600 bonus health.
Legend: Bloodline
Gains 1% Omnivamp . Takedown monsters, enemy champions, or minions to gain up to an additional 7% Omnivamp
Bone Plating
Block Combo-damage
When taking damage from a champion, the current and next 3 champion abilities or attacks against you and within 1.5s deal 30-60 () less damage.
Cooldown: 30s
Passive: Zeri fires a burst of 6 rounds in the target direction that deal 62 physical damage (8/10/12/14/16 + 100/102.5/105/107.5/110%
) to the first enemy hit. Zeri's attack speed has a maximum of 1.5 attacks per second. 50% of attack speed in excess of the cap is converted into bonus attack damage.
Active: Zeri zaps target location, dealing 65 magic damage (35/60/85/110 + 55/70/85/100% + 30/35/40/45%
) to enemies and slowing them by 14/18/22/26% for 2 seconds.
Zeri fires out an electric pulse that deals 107 magic damage (30/70/110/150 + 80% + 40%
) to the first unit hit, slowing it by 30/35/40/45% for 2 seconds.
If the pulse hits a wall, it expands into a long range laser, applying the effects in an area and crit champions and monster.
Zeri dashes a short distance and loads up lightning rounds for 6 seconds, empowering the next 3 Attacks to pierce, dealing 50/65/80/95% damage to targets after the first. Hitting a champion with an attack reduces this ability cooldown by 1 seconds.
If Zeri touches a wall while dashing she will vault over it, greatly extending the dash range.
Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing 150 magic damage (150/200/250 + 70% bonus + 80%
) to all enemies nearby and gaining 8 stacks of Overcharge for each champion hit for 10 seconds. While Overcharged, Zeri gains 0.5% movement speed per stack, 25% Attack Speed and 5 bonus magic damage (5 + 15%
) on-hit.
During this time, her Attack becomes a faster triple shot that chains the bonus 5 magic damage (5 + 15% ) and 24 physical damage (20%
) to nearby enemies. Hitting an enemy champion with an attack or ability adds 1 stack of Overcharge. Takedowns increase its duration by 4 seconds.
We have prepared lists of champions that can really annoy you during a match with the game on the Adc ZERI. We have also prepared a list of champions with whom you will be comfortable being on the same team. These lists are relative and depend greatly on your level of play, the skills of your allies and opponents. Do not forget that each situation is individual!
We have prepared a list of items and spells that will help counter Adc ZERI in a given situation. Buy items wisely, only if it is really necessary for a specific situation!
Plated Steelcaps
Reduces Physical Damage +150 Max Health
+100% Health Regen
+35 Armor
+45 Move Speed.
Block: Reduces physical damage taken by 7-10% ().
Guardian Angel
Revives at death +40 Attack Damage
+40 Armor
Resurrect: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% and Health и 30% Mana after 4 seconds of stasis. (210s Cooldown) 3400
Guardian Angel TIPS: Second chance in teamfights. Effective against high burst damage champions (Zed, Syndra, Zoe, etc.) and strong diving potential (Camille, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, etc.).
Randuin's Omen
Attack to heal from enemy Critical Strikes +400 Max Health
+75 Armor
Countercurrent: When you are Critically Struck or take physical damage, gain 1 stack of Countercurrent. Each stack of Countercurrent grants 5% Critical Strike damage reduction. Stacks up to 4 times. Upon reaching full stacks, grants 20% bonus Movement Speed and slow resist equal to 20% plus 0.5% of bonus Health.
Randuin's Omen TIPS: Pick the item if enemy team has a lot of physical damage, you need increased armor and you want to get an additional bonus to movement speed and resistance to slowdowns.. Effective against champions who deal consistent crit based damage like Jinx, Yasuo or Tryndamere.
Reflects damage and reduces enemy healing +200 Max Health
+75 Armor
Thorns: When struck by an enemy champion's attack, deal 20 + 6% bonus Armor + 2% bonus Health
magic damage to the attacker and inflict 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 second(s).
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 2700
Thornmail TIPS: Consider in the following situations: 1) when facing multiple auto-attack reliant champions on the enemy team, such as Tryndamere, Yasuo, and Jinx; 2) reduce the effectiveness of healing when playing against Soraka, Vladimir or Samira; 3) soak up damage.
Dead Man's Plate
Increases Movement Speed +250 Max Health
+50 Armor
Relentless: +5% Move Speed.
Momentum: Moving builds Momentum, granting up to 40 Move Speed at 100 stacks. Attacking removes all Momentum. Stacks decay when movement is impaired.
Crushing Blow: Attacks deal up to 100 bonus magic damage based on Momentum removed. Melee attacks with max Momentum slows by 50% for 1 second. 2800
Dead Man's Plate TIPS: Great for tanks and bruisers who need extra movement speed and durability. Also provides excellent burst especially in combination with spellblade items (e.g. Divine Sunderer).
Frozen Heart
Reduces all nearby enemies Attack Speed +80 Armor
+200 Max Mana
+25 Ability Haste
Winter's Caress: Basic attacks and magic damage caused by you or inflicted upon you and nearby allies, will apply stacks of Chill to the enemy champion for 3 seconds. Each stack of Chill slows enemy attack speed by 9%, up to a maximum of 4 stacks or 36% attack speed reduction. Each individual ability has a 3 seconds cooldown on applying Chill stacks. 2700
Frozen Heart TIPS: Recommended whenever you need to increase mana usage; reduce enemy attack speed. It's effective against AD champions who rely on basic attacks (Jinx, Tristana, Vayne) or use their abilities frequently (Yasuo, Riven, Zed).
Warden's Mail
Reduces enemy's Attack Speed +35 Armor
Cold Steel: Reduce the Attack Speed of enemies by 15% for 1.5 seconds when struck by an attack. 1050
Frozen Heart
Reduces all nearby enemies Attack Speed +80 Armor
+200 Max Mana
+25 Ability Haste
Winter's Caress: Basic attacks and magic damage caused by you or inflicted upon you and nearby allies, will apply stacks of Chill to the enemy champion for 3 seconds. Each stack of Chill slows enemy attack speed by 9%, up to a maximum of 4 stacks or 36% attack speed reduction. Each individual ability has a 3 seconds cooldown on applying Chill stacks. 2700
Frozen Heart TIPS: Recommended whenever you need to increase mana usage; reduce enemy attack speed. It's effective against AD champions who rely on basic attacks (Jinx, Tristana, Vayne) or use their abilities frequently (Yasuo, Riven, Zed).
Ignites target enemy champion, dealing 72 true damage (72–380 ) over 5 and applying 60% Grievous Wounds for the duration.
Grievous Wound reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
Cooldown: 100s
Executioner's Calling
Physical Damage reduces enemy healing +15 Attack Damage
Rend: Physical Damage inflicts 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds. Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 800
Oblivion Orb
Magic damage reduces enemy healing +30 Ability Power
Cursed: Magic damage inflicts 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 800
Bramble Vest
Reflects damage and reduces enemy healing +30 Armor
Thorns: When struck by an attack, deal 4 magic damage + 6% bonus armor to the attacker and inflict 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds if they are a champion.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 1000
Mortal Reminder
Armor Penetration (%) and reduced enemy healing +30 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Rate
Last Whisper: +33% Armor Penetration.
Sepsis: Dealing physical damage to enemy champions applies 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 3300
Mortal Reminder TIPS: Must have item versus champions with a lot of healing such as Soraka, Yuumi, Dr. Mundo or Vladimir.
Chempunk Chainsword
Reduces enemy healing +250 Max Health
+45 Attack Damage
+15 Ability Haste
Punishment: Dealing physical damage to enemy champions applies 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 2800
Chempunk Chainsword TIPS: Strong item to build when facing enemy champions with high sustain like Mundo, Soraka and Yuumi who have significant healing abilities. It can also be useful against champions who rely on lifesteal like Aatrox, Darius, and Fiora.
Magic damage reduces enemy healing +150 Max Health
+70 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+20 Ability Haste
Affliction: Dealing magic damage to enemy champions inflicts 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 2500
Morellonomicon TIPS: Mage’s grievous wounds option for tackling enemy comps with heavy healing & sustain. Perfect against champions like Soraka, Dr. Mundo & Vladimir.
Reflects damage and reduces enemy healing +200 Max Health
+75 Armor
Thorns: When struck by an enemy champion's attack, deal 20 + 6% bonus Armor + 2% bonus Health
magic damage to the attacker and inflict 50% Grievous Wounds for 3 second(s).
Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 2700
Thornmail TIPS: Consider in the following situations: 1) when facing multiple auto-attack reliant champions on the enemy team, such as Tryndamere, Yasuo, and Jinx; 2) reduce the effectiveness of healing when playing against Soraka, Vladimir or Samira; 3) soak up damage.
Stasis Enchant
Turn invulnerable
Stasis (Active): Become invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but unable to move, attack, cast abilities or use items. (120s Cooldown) 1000
Stasis Enchant TIPS: Good against assassins and burst damage.
Serpent's Fang
Anti-Shielding +50 Attack Damage
+10 Ability Haste
Stab: +15 Armor Penetration.
Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain for 3s. Melee champions apply (10% of bonus AD + 40)% shield reduction, capped at 60%; while ranged champions apply (10% of bonus AD
+ 25)% shield reduction, capped at 45%. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, all shields on them are reduced by the same values.
Serpent's Fang TIPS: If you're an assassin and the enemy has a lot of shields, pick this item up to make destroying their shields easier.
Oceanid's Trident
Anti-Shielding +200 Max Health
+80 Ability Power
+7% Magic Penetration
+10 Ability Haste
Lethal Weapon: Dealing ability damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain for 3 seconds. Area of effect abilities apply (5% of bonus AP + 25)% shield reduction, capped at 45%; while single target abilities apply (5% of bonus AP
+ 40)% shield reduction, capped at 60%. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Lethal Weapon, all shields on them are reduced by the same values.
Oceanid's Trident TIPS: If you're an mage-assassin and the enemy has a lot of shields, pick this item up to make destroying their shields easier.
The information below will help you get familiar with the game on the ADC (Vamp) Line ZERI. We have prepared a items builds, runes, summoner spells and ability order for a comfortable game. Situational options for replacing items and runes are also available to you.
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
We have prepared lists of champions that can really annoy you during a match with the game on the ADC (Vamp) ZERI. We have also prepared a list of champions with whom you will be comfortable being on the same team. These lists are relative and depend greatly on your level of play, the skills of your allies and opponents. Do not forget that each situation is individual!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
We have prepared a list of items and spells that will help counter ADC (Vamp) ZERI in a given situation. Buy items wisely, only if it is really necessary for a specific situation!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
The information below will help you get familiar with the game on the Ultimate Adc Line ZERI. We have prepared a items builds, runes, summoner spells and ability order for a comfortable game. Situational options for replacing items and runes are also available to you.
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
We have prepared lists of champions that can really annoy you during a match with the game on the Ultimate Adc ZERI. We have also prepared a list of champions with whom you will be comfortable being on the same team. These lists are relative and depend greatly on your level of play, the skills of your allies and opponents. Do not forget that each situation is individual!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
We have prepared a list of items and spells that will help counter Ultimate Adc ZERI in a given situation. Buy items wisely, only if it is really necessary for a specific situation!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
This section is currently empty, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to fill this section!
Passive: Zeri fires a burst of 6 rounds in the target direction that deal 62 physical damage (8/10/12/14/16 + 100/102.5/105/107.5/110%
) to the first enemy hit. Zeri's attack speed has a maximum of 1.5 attacks per second. 50% of attack speed in excess of the cap is converted into bonus attack damage.
Active: Zeri zaps target location, dealing 65 magic damage (35/60/85/110 + 55/70/85/100% + 30/35/40/45%
) to enemies and slowing them by 14/18/22/26% for 2 seconds.
Zeri fires out an electric pulse that deals 107 magic damage (30/70/110/150 + 80% + 40%
) to the first unit hit, slowing it by 30/35/40/45% for 2 seconds.
If the pulse hits a wall, it expands into a long range laser, applying the effects in an area and crit champions and monster.
Zeri dashes a short distance and loads up lightning rounds for 6 seconds, empowering the next 3 Attacks to pierce, dealing 50/65/80/95% damage to targets after the first. Hitting a champion with an attack reduces this ability cooldown by 1 seconds.
If Zeri touches a wall while dashing she will vault over it, greatly extending the dash range.
Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing 150 magic damage (150/200/250 + 70% bonus + 80%
) to all enemies nearby and gaining 8 stacks of Overcharge for each champion hit for 10 seconds. While Overcharged, Zeri gains 0.5% movement speed per stack, 25% Attack Speed and 5 bonus magic damage (5 + 15%
) on-hit.
During this time, her Attack becomes a faster triple shot that chains the bonus 5 magic damage (5 + 15% ) and 24 physical damage (20%
) to nearby enemies. Hitting an enemy champion with an attack or ability adds 1 stack of Overcharge. Takedowns increase its duration by 4 seconds.
Use this combo to engage and unexpectedly burst the enemy over a wall.
Use (E) SPARK SURGE over the wall towards the enemy, then quickly (W) ULTRASHOCK LASER and (R) LIGHTNING CRASH while dashing to cancel the animations of your abilities. Combining your abilities like this will save you time while increasing your DPS. Once you land, keep attacking the enemy with your empowered AA, also use (Q) ELECTROCUTE! to deal damage and slow the enemy whenever it's off cooldown.
A headstrong, spirited young woman from Zaun’s working-class, Zeri channels her electric magic to charge herself and her custom-crafted gun. Her volatile power mirrors her emotions, its sparks reflecting her lightning-fast approach to life. Deeply compassionate toward others, Zeri carries the love of her family and her home into every fight. Though her eagerness to help can sometimes backfire, Zeri believes one truth to be certain: stand up for your community, and it will stand up with you.