Wild Rift: AMBESSA - Build Guide (Items, Runes, COMBOS, SKILLS ORDER) Wild Rift Fightrs

League of Legends: Wild Rift AMBESSA, role - Fighter. Use the guidelines to take your AMBESSA Wild Rift champion play style to the next level. Study in detail the build of items, runes, spells, skills that need to be developed in the first place. In order to find out what position AMBESSA is in the rating table, go to the - Tier List page.


Drakehound’s Step P Cunning Sweep Q Repudiation W Lacerate E Public Execution R
Drakehound’s Step

(PASSIVE) Drakehound’s Step

When Ambessa casts an ability, issuing a move or Attack order will cause her to dash after the Ability finishes. Casting an ability also gives Ambessa a charge, which increases her attack range and speed. Attacks consume a charge to deal additional damage and restore Energy.

Cunning Sweep

(Q) Cunning Sweep / Sundering Slam

Ambessa sweeps her blades forward in a semi-circle, dealing extra damage to enemies at the edge. If you hit an enemy, it readies Sundering Slam.

Sundering SlamSundering Slam: Ambessa slams down her blades, dealing bonus damage to the first enemy hit.


(W) Repudiation

Ambessa gains a shield, braces herself, then slams the ground. If she braces herself from damage by an enemy champion, large monster, or structure, she does more damage with her slam.


(E) Lacerate

Ambessa whips her chains in a circle, damaging and briefly slowing enemies. Using Drakehound’s Step will trigger an additional strike.

Public Execution

(R) Public Execution

Passive: Ambessa gains Armor Penetration and her Abilities heal her.

Active: Ambessa becomes unstoppable and blinks to the farthest enemy champion in a line. She suppresses the target before slamming them for damage and a Stun.


Ambessa is a muscular, brown-skinned woman with light brown eyes. She has coily hair in varying shades of grey to black, worn loosely above the shoulders. She wears Noxus Crest icon Noxian styled clothing befitting her rank, mostly made up of black and red colours, with metallic silver elements, and a red cloak with black fur worn to one side. She is shown to have (battle) scars on her face and upper body.
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